Rik Mayall narrated Don't Fear Death video last year | Rik Mayall

Publish date: 2020-11-20
Don't Fear Death, narrated by Rik Mayall
Rik Mayall This article is more than 9 years old

Rik Mayall narrated Don't Fear Death video last year

This article is more than 9 years old

One of the comedian's final pieces of work was the voiceover for this comedy animation

Rik Mayall provided a voiceover for a short film called Don't Fear Death last year – one of the last pieces of work he completed before his own death on Monday.

The film, made by Ian Ravenscroft and Louis Hudson, which aired on Channel 4 in August, extols the joys of being dead. Mayall says in it: "Death is so in right now – so why be afraid?

"Being dead is absolutely brilliant ... just think of the benefits. For a start, loonies and weirdos won't sit next to you on the bus, or on the park bench, or on that torturous long-haul flight.

"You will never have to waste one more single soul-crushing hour in your mindless dead-end job, where you have to listen to your psycopathic boss, or your mouth-breathing colleagues. You're literally dead to them."
